Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Calendar Girls (& One Calendar Boy)

Hi Margaret,

I just mentioned to Marcie that any mail that comes from Kaiser it is OK for you to open and then direct to the right person/place. If it is a bill, it goes to Dennis (he will send it to Sarah). If it is an update from the Coagulation Clinic, it goes into the notebook.

Also, Marcie and I are formulating the plan for a calendar which would also serve as a communication post. We want the calendar to be large enough so that daily entries can be made - simple things like "went for a walk", or "got a visit from Sam". We also want to keep track of simple, light housekeeping on the chart, so that we can stay on top of things, and so no one person ends up slogging away alone at it.

Marcie proposed that you and she sign on for daily sweeping and every other day vacuuming. 
How does this sound to you? 

We are still thinking about what this large calendar would look like - it will go on the bulletin board in the kitchen. We won't put include the medication log on the calendar, but what other things do you think we should provide room for? We'd like to it contain all the pertinent information so that any one looking at it would get a clear idea of what Mother's week has been like so far.

Stay warm!


1 comment:

antigravy said...

Thats a great idea, that way we know things aren't cleaned twice or forgotten. Besides housekeeping, walks, and bathing/grooming, I am not sure what else to put on the calendar the blog is also going to be a good way to communicate specifics.