Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Refrigerator mystery

Keeping things real here at the Fremont Center for Healthy Aging, Dennis spent last night trying to figure out why the kitchen smelled like, well, like something died in it. We had two theories: 1) a very well hidden Easter egg and 2) a decomposing mouse. We didn't find either, but the floor beneath the refrigerator is now clean, the back of the refrigerator is clean, and the top of the refrigerator is clean. We left the kitchen window open all night, and Dyana, our home environment specialist, will be arriving today so we expect she will be able to add some insight.

One use of this blog will be to pass on Mother stories. I didn't witness this, but Dennis tells me that the other night when he asked her to move out of his way while he was cooking, she retorted sharply "I'm the mother here!"

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